Testing Page

finally introduced this long awaited feature since early this year! Bless you, Blogger!

This was something that I had desired for my blogspot blogs for a long time, something similar to the pages seen in Wordpress-powered websites, like my garden blog here. Pages, whose tabs are normally placed strategically below the blog's header for easy access, is a great way to highlight important or essential information about your blog. Pages such as About, Contact, Archives, Sitemap and Blog List are the norm, beside Categories, Products, Services and others...the endless choices are yours to create! Nevertheless, bear in mind that Blogger allows only 10 stand-alone pages per blog. Pages and posts are quite similar except the former are not included in the blog's archives and feeds.

Prior to the introduction of this new feature, some bloggers (me included) used to create 'static pages' by doing backdated blog posts and then, linking to them by configuring the blog's template as shared by Amanda Fazani at BloggingTips. No longer do you need to follow this merry-go-round route UNLESS you desire more than the 10-pages limit that Blogger provides. That's my humble opinion!

Blogger Templates by OurBlogTemplates.com 2007